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                          The Number Of National High-Tech Enterprises In Shenzhen Has Exceeded 23,000 As Of 2022

                          August 5, 2023

                          Starting from Shenzhen, we have grown together with this city, and it is great to see our city has achieved thousands of technological advancements step by step in these decades, constantly developing and improving people's daily life.


                          From "three to one supplement" to "a technological and industrial innovation highland with global influence", Shenzhen not only leads the domestic high-end manufacturing and technology, but also integrates with the international modern industry.


                          As of 2022, the number of national high-tech enterprises in Shenzhen has exceeded 23,000, and the output value of high-tech has exceeded 3 trillion yuan. The output of major high-tech products throughout the year has continued to grow rapidly; among them, the production of new energy vehicles, charging piles, civilian drones, 5G smartphones increased by 183.4%, 113.8%, 34.7%, and 22.3% respectively; and the added value of the city's seven strategic emerging industries and 20 industrial clusters exceeded 1.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.9%.


                          Welcome to Shenzhen!

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