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                          Figures Of Patent And Trademark As Of The First Half Of 2023

                          July 21, 2023

                          As of the first half of 2023, the intellectual property work related to patents in China has shown the following figures:

                          In the patent sector, a total of 433,000 invention patents, 1,104,000 utility model patents, and 344,000 design patents were granted. Additionally, there were 35,000 international patent applications filed under the PCT system. Patent reexaminations concluded on 33,000 cases, and 4,433 cases were resolved in patent invalidation proceedings. Chinese applicants submitted a total of 957 international applications for design patents through the Hague system.

                          By the end of June this year, China's effective number of invention patents reached 4,568,000, showing a year-on-year growth of 16.9%.


                          In the trademark sector, a total of 2,018,000 trademarks were registered during the first half of the year. 

                          The examination of trademark opposition cases concluded on 87,000 cases, and various trademark review cases were processed, reaching a total of 182,000 cases. China received 3,024 international applications for trademark registration under the Madrid System from domestic applicants.


                          From January to June this year, a cumulative total of 249,000 cases of malicious trademark registrations were cracked down upon. Among them, 192,000 cases were denied registration during the application and opposition stages, accounting for 77.1% of the total; and 56,000 cases were invalidated during the registration and other rights confirmation stages, accounting for 22.5%. Additionally, in these cases, 204,000 applicants voluntarily ceased their illegal activities and withdrew their applications or canceled their registered trademarks, accounting for 81.9%.


                          By the end of June this year, the effective number of registered trademarks in China reached 44,235,000, representing a year-on-year growth of 9.1%.


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