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                          CENFO’s Two Trademark Entities Were Rated As "AAAA-Level Trademark Agency Service Agencies"

                          December 7, 2023

                          On November 22, China Trademark and IPHOUSE jointly released the "Top 600 Chinese Trademark Agents" list guided by the China Trademark Association. CENFO’s two trademark entities, CENFO Intellectual Property Agency and Shenzhen CENFO Innovation Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. were on the list, and both were rated as "AAAA-level trademark agency service agencies".

                          CENFO will have the recognition as motivation and continue to put the needs of client first and develop trustworthy solutions based on each specific case with strict service standards, digital service processes and breakthrough service levels. We will always devote ourselves to promoting the strategic layout of clients' trademarks and maintaining market competitiveness.


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