1. Case
                          2. Case details

                          “DRUNK TARGET GUIDANCE METHOD, DEVICE, SYSTEM AND COMPUTER-READABLE STORAGE MEDIUM” represented by CENFO Intellectual Property Agency


                          CENFO represented Chinese Patent Application No. 20201105692**, titled “DRUNK TARGET GUIDANCE METHOD, DEVICE, SYSTEM AND COMPUTER-READABLE STORAGE MEDIUM”, and issued at September 19, 2022. In response to the Office Action issued by the Examiner, after CENFO replied the first office action, the case was issued, and CENFO won the patent right for the client!

                          After analyzing the reference document 1 (D1) and the reference document 2 (D2), CENFO’s Attorney submitted that D1 only discloses a goal guidance method, which aims to improve the intelligence of the hotel, and improve the service experience and interactive experience of users. Meanwhile, D2 discloses a target guiding method, which continuously tracks the target user by tracking and photographing the target face, has high stability, and improves the guiding effect. Obviously, neither D1 nor D2 discloses the technical features of determining that the guidance service is manual guidance in the present application, and monitoring the guidance personnel to guide the drunken target back to the destination, nor does it provide corresponding technical inspiration.

                          Besides, in the present application, after analyzing the content of the drunk target’s response information to determine that the guidance service is manual guidance, the current location of the drunk target can be determined through the positioning function of the guidance system. The current location of the drunk target and the corresponding destination are sent to the staff, and the guidance personnel of the drunk target is determined by determining the reply information of the staff, and the guidance personnel is notified to go to the current location of the drunk target. After receiving the robot’s departure instruction input by the guidance personnel, the guide is notified to leave, and the guidance personnel is monitored to guide the drunk target back to the destination. Thus, the personal safety of drunk targets is improved, and the efficiency of robot use is also improved. That is to say, the present application has the beneficial effect of ensuring the personal safety of the drunk target by helping the drunk target return to the destination in time with the help of the guidance personnel. Based on the above analysis, the present application has obvious substantive differences from the prior art, and has a significant technical contribution compared with the prior art, which satisfies the inventiveness requirement under Article 22.3 of the Patent Law.

                          In the end, CENFO’s Attorney successfully persuaded the Examiner to authorize the patent based on the Examiner’s review opinions and the overall understanding of the solution, which protected the rights and interests of the client.

                          Source: Website of CENFO

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